Why is water container important?

08 Apr.,2024


Whether you're going on vacation, working out at the gym, organising a summer picnic, or just going about your daily life, there are many benefits to taking a reusable water bottle everywhere you go. 

Reasons to ditch single-use plastic water bottles and start carrying a reusable stainless steel water bottle range from concerns about the amount of plastic already polluting the oceans to concerns about plastic bottle toxicity. There's even a financial benefit when you ditch disposable bottles and refill a reusable water bottle instead. 

I used to buy bottled water all the time. Since buying a reusable stainless steel water bottle, I never drink bottled water unless it's absolutely unavoidable. Here are some of the most persuasive reasons to take a reusable water bottle everywhere. 

8 Reasons to Take a Reusable Water Bottle Everywhere

To Reduce Plastic Waste

Billions of single-use plastic bottles are produced every year and only a small percentage of them are recycled. Even plastic waste that is recycled can only be reused a certain number of times as the fibres degrade. Therefore, most of the world's plastic waste ends up in landfill sites or in the oceans where it leaches chemicals, pollutes soil and harms wildlife. In the 2019 International Coastal Cleanup, over 1.9 million plastic bottles were collected from coastal areas worldwide, making plastic bottles one of the most common everyday items that pollute the oceans. 

To Protect Yourself from Toxic Chemicals

It's no secret that plastic contains chemicals. Although plastic bottles may be okay to use when new, disposable bottles leach toxins when they become old, damaged or exposed to hot temperatures. That's why you should never reuse a single-use water bottle. The extent to which plastic bottles are responsible for health issues is still disputed but chemicals, such as BPA, have already been linked to infertility, hormone imbalance, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Nowadays, most people know to avoid BPA, but many people are unaware that several popular bottled water brands still contain significant amounts of microplastic. 

To Improve Your Overall Health

Aside from toxic chemicals, taking a water bottle everywhere will remind you to drink more water. With a reusable water bottle in your bag, you'll be able to drink without the hassle of finding a shop or vending machine and paying out every time you feel thirsty. People who carry reusable water bottles are more likely to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated can elevate your cognitive and physical health by improving your focus and digestion, minimising headaches, clearing your skin, speeding up muscle recovery, and more. 

Also Read: Stay Hydrated: refill a reusable water bottle

To Track How Much You Drink

A reusable water bottle doesn't just encourage you to drink more water; it also helps you keep track of your daily consumption. If your target is to drink two litres of water every day, you only need to refill a 500 ml water bottle four times and make a note when you do. Likewise, during or after exercise, the right-sized reusable water bottle can prevent you from over or under hydrating. It's much easier to keep track of your daily water intake when drinking from a bottle instead of a glass.

To Promote Plastic-Free Living

If you're already aware of plastic problems and you're trying to reduce waste, then a reusable water bottle is an easy first step. Additionally, taking a reusable water bottle everywhere you go will help promote plastic-free alternatives to your friends, family, co-workers, or anyone who sees you using it. Before long, reusable stainless-steel water bottles will be the social norm and disposable bottles a thing of the past.

To Save Money

It's also important to note that reusable water bottles are lighter on your wallet in the long term. A 500 ml FLASKE Bottle costs just under €30. With the correct care, one bottle can last a lifetime. Comparatively, if you buy bottled water every day, you're probably already spending at least €30 every month. Even if you reuse disposable bottles (which you shouldn't), you're still going to save money by buying a high-quality stainless steel water bottle.

Because Water Tastes Better in Stainless Steel Water Bottles

Because you can't safely wash a plastic bottle with hot water, it's very easy for bacteria and bad odours to accumulate inside a plastic bottle, reusable or not. On the other hand, food-grade stainless steel is completely safe to wash with dish soap and boiling water so you can clean your bottle properly after each use. Additionally, because high-quality stainless steel is corrosion and rust-resistant, you don't get a metallic taste to your water.

Because It Looks Better Than a Plastic Bottle

For some people, style isn't important; for others, it's everything. Whichever group you fall into, you'll probably agree that reusable water bottles with unique prints, a huge range of colours, matt or metallic finishes, is much cooler than a transparent plastic bottle with a flimsy label. Several FLASKE Bottles are even available with name engraving so you can personalise a reusable water bottle. 

Also Read: 10 coolest FLASKE reusable water bottles to buy online

Take Back Control With A Reusable Water Bottle

Hopefully, you're convinced by these eight reasons to buy a reusable water bottle and take it everywhere. Whether you're motivated by environmental issues, health concerns, financial savings, or you just want something more stylish for your office desk; there are several benefits to using a reusable water bottle instead of disposable water bottles. 

Don't waste time; take a look at the FLASKE Collection, order your favourite bottle and start using it the very next day!

Drinking water is essential for your health. It is involved in many essential functions like helping your brain function, maintaining the balance of body fluids, and flushing out waste from your body.

Since we spend a lot of our time out of home, some of us often drink water from disposable bottles or cups (at the office, for example). It is known that only 36% of people regularly carry a reusable water bottle with them.


Single-use plastic water bottles are thrown away by the billion per year. That's 35 billion per year only in the United States. These numbers are staggering, and as it's estimated that less than 10 percent of plastic thrown in bins in the last 40 years has actually been recycled. That's not good for our planet since plastic is not biodegradable. The discarded bottle will sit in a landfill or on the ocean for decades before it becomes microplastics – which will continue to pollute our environment.


Below are 8 reasons why would be better to use a reusable bottle:

1. Increase your daily water intake

Staying well-hydrated is vitally important to health. The human body is 60% percent water, and even the slightest bit of dehydration impacts how you feel.

Carrying a reusable water bottle with you will encourage you to drink more water throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water will improve digestion, regulate body temperature, stabilize heartbeat, regulate blood pressure, cushion joints, and much more.

2. Most of bottled water is tap water

In a report entitled "Take Back the Tap," Food & Water Watch explains that 64 percent of bottled water comes from municipal tap water sources - meaning that people are often unknowingly paying for water that would otherwise be free or nearly free. People may believe the myth that bottled water is purer and healthier than tap water, largely because of the bottled water industry's ubiquitous and crafty marketing tactics.

3. Save water

It takes around three times as much water to produce a plastic water bottle as it can actually hold. This means that three liters of water are needed to make a water bottle that only holds one litre. You can help to conserve our natural water resources by carrying a reusable bottle.

4. Save money

A reusable water bottle will save you money. Wash and refill the bottle as often as needed so you will have fresh and clean drinking water with you at all times.

5. Better looking skin

By drinking plenty of water consistently every day, the skin's elasticity is improved to have a healthy appearance. Skin is the largest organ of the body and has a high cell turnover rate, so it is always in need of hydration from the inside out.

6. Reusable bottles are better for your health

Single-use plastic bottles are not only causing major harm to the planet, but they also can be bad for your health due to the leaching of chemicals used to make the bottles, as these toxins can leach into the water over time. BPA and other plastic toxins can then make their way into your bloodstream, which can cause a host of problems, including various cancers as well as liver and kidney damage.

7. Keep track of how much water you drink

The average human should be drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. A reusable bottle can help you keep track of how much water you drink, instead of just randomly drinking from a bunch of single-use bottles or cups (and tossing them when they're finished).

8. One bottle will last you for years of use

Since our personal possessions are less numerous, we can more clearly determine what is important to us and take good care of them to make them last. A reusable bottle is more than just a bottle. It's your everyday companion. It develops personality and character the more it is used, and it can be maintained for years.

You can choose a reusable bottle made of stainless steel, glass, or silicone. There is also the option of a reusable plastic bottle, but it can leach some chemicals used to make the bottles into the water over time. However, any reusable bottle is always better than a single-use plastic bottle.







Why is water container important?

8 Reasons to always carry a reusable water bottle