5 Must-Have Features in a Household Device Damping wholesale ...

02 Sep.,2024


5 Must-Have Features in a Household Device Damping wholesale ...


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Please visit our website for more information on this topic.

Hello, and welcome to the webinar.


My name is Kyle, and I'll be our moderator today.


And we're talking about Windward System Five, It's a home goods store software.


And this is going to be a live demonstration, so most of it's going to be watch, But as you think of questions, there is a Q and A at the end.


So you can drop your questions right in there.


All right.


Windward Software makes the business management software for the home goods industry.


We've been at it since .


We're located in Penticton British Columbia, and we primarily service North America.


But we have international reach.


Hundreds of clients running Appliance Showrooms, Consumer Electronics Stores, Furniture Shops, Hearth and Outdoor Leisure stores, and even Lighting Showrooms And we're trusted and recommended by buying groups throughout the industry.


I think we have people from each and every one of these business types on the call today.


System five on Cloud is Business Management software for your home goods store.


Think of it as the hub of everything.


Everything that's important to the business, since all the parts of the software are connected.


The main features are point of sale, inventory control, service management, and integrated accounting.


Today, your presenter is going to be Shawn McAfee.


Is business developer who's been with Windward Software, oh, for over 10 years.


Let's take it away, Shawn! Nice to meet everybody how hope you're all doing well.


So before we get into the demonstration today and start showing the software, one of the things I want to talk about is how wide home goods is as an industry.


Our software is flexible, which means we can use it in a furniture store and appliance store.


We can use it in a Hearth and home store that way patio, as well as lighting, showrooms, and kitchen, and Bath.


This is a large gamut to cover.


So, for our demonstration today, you're primarily going to be seen me in our appliance store demonstration and going through a few of the features.


Not only that, just keep in mind, that we only really have about 45 minutes to go through the software, so I won't be able to touch on everything that we do, is we do this demonstration.


I will hopefully, try to give each of you a bit of a piece of how we can help your business, give some ideas out there.


And if you are looking at seeing something more specific or having something more tailored to your specific industry, let's just look at time to talk separately.


And we can go into more detail, you know, if baby lighting, or it could be furniture, we can take a little bit further in together.


Now, the agenda for today is, is really this, we are going to go through very quickly, the basics.


I just want you to be able to know that you can do simple things in our software, quickly, quickly, efficiently, and then easily.


The second thing, you are going to be able to do after we do that, we're going to take a look at appliances and doing serial number tracking and how that works.


So, you know, just managing all these items that come in with their own specific numbers, making sure you track them with cut, which customers they go to school for warranty purposes and returns on the furniture side of the business.


We'll talk a bit about kidding, and how we might work with some of the furniture specific options, And then we'll touch on work quarters, and, specifically, a special ordering product for your customers, and ordered them and tracking them in.


Once we start with special orders, we'll end up transitioning over to inventory and purchasing.


We'll talk a bit about how inventory work records work And look at creating consolidated POs and how we actually create peels together with special orders on them will receive that will track that.


We'll get to the receiving part of the appeal side.


And then we'll go back into the front end of the software and look at fulfillment and talk about how we can co-ordinate your delivery service and how we can manage invoicing.


Finally, we'll wrap this up with a bit of a touch on our and accounts receivable.


After that, I'll pass it back over to Kyle, and we'll talk about some of our extra features that we have with our solution today.


Now call, I think at the moment I you have to make me overs presenter here we go, perfect.


And I'll just make sure my screen is showing, coffee could verify.


I can see everything OK for me.


That's great, man.


Thank you, appreciate it.


So this is the software.


As I said, beforehand, with my opening, this could be a little bit different for different customers.


That we work with one of the power of one word.


one word is we're not just a set of features.


We're actually very customizable.


And we try to help you kind of run the business your way.


So I'm logged in as a super user.


I can pretty much do whatever I want, but your staff members won't be.


They may be logged in, just for point of sale and have limited access.


Now, when we talk about the basics, I talk about ringing in a sale, making a sales transaction very quickly.


I talk about looking at the customer and you want to know that that is easy to do and quick to do.


So part of the benefit of having a software solution that's going to have all this together and it being easy to look up a customer and easy to ring in a sale is that you don't have to take a lot of time to train someone new.


How does it do the very basic things in our software?


So we do have two CL screens.


one is, is very much, if you'd walk into a sale store that has barcoding, we can scan barcodes, and they have this fast tills, kind of a touchscreen.


But most of our home goods stores are using something a little bit more detailed.


Now the reason for this is there's a lot of nuances with your, with your, with your sales.


You're typically selling higher priced items, higher ticket items.


You might have some accessories that go for a little bit cheaper.


But you're sometimes you're scheduling deliveries.


Sometimes you might be working with a, you know, a builder or a contractor who shipping to a different address.


So are, our more detailed screen, really does capture that information and make it flexible for you to get more info together for those more complex sales.


Just starting at the basics, we're gonna do a simple cash sale.




Now, you don't have to in our demo, but you type in a customer name, you can look them up.


If you need to find a customer, you can click find Customer.


You look them up by name, number, account, city, address, all of that information is applicable to be able to bring them up.


one area I'll mention here, before I go into the actual sales screen, winward does handle service, and repair, and warranty tracking.


So, again, going back to the appliance stores or any home, good members that we might have here today, if a customer is calling you about a, you know, a stove, or a fridge, or a parse that they may own, that needs work, you can actually look up what they own, based on the serial number on the file record.


So, let's say they call them and say, I have this, just make a model, the serial number, you can bring up that history from here.


Now, this is something that goes throughout the software.


And in a more service specific demo, I could talk about a lot more.


But just be aware the serial number tracking for customers purchases is completely available.


So smiths construction.


You click OK.


This will take us to our point of sale screen.


If you have a barcode scanner and you're selling something off the floor that maybe it has a barcode on it, you can scan a barcode right now and have that item come up.


Not a problem.


If you don't have a barcode scanner, OK, you can type in a partial part number or a full part number and have an item come up.


So for here, I typed in the part number one, and it brought up a series of items.


If I type in part number, let's say 101.


It's going to bring up a shortened list, Very basic.


Very simple.


Now in the right-hand column, you can see the item, You can see the part number, a description of what it is, a supplier it's for.


And you can see how many have on hand.


So, this is great for the fact that, if you're dealing with a customer on the , if you're looking at the sea, something is available.


We have real-time inventory for you to be able to see, OK, yes, I've got one of these, and I can get that for you.


Click OK.


Then, just complete your transaction, hit tender, and run the cart.


It's really quick, and really simple.


If you have a barcode scanner, it's scan, tender, sale done.


Now, another thing to keep in mind is when we're does offer integrated credit card processing.


So, if you're looking at running through your credit cards through our till, you can do that.


It's just a process of setting it up.


I'm going to finish the sale now.


And because you can see a popup has come here, I do have some options of what I'm going to be able to print off.


And we can a copy of the invoice.


Or we could just print it.


Now, we're gonna add a bit more layers to this, and we're gonna go a little bit quicker, because you've seen the point of sale screen.


and build on what I just showed you today, So, again, we're gonna start a new sale.


And we do handle things like estimates and work quarters in our software.


As I mentioned before, we'll talk about what a work quarter is.


So, we're going to start off as an estimate.


And I'm gonna type in a Name Smith construction.


And, I'm going to pretend this customer is on the with me at the moment, and they're trying to see if I have something in stock to be able to sell them.


So, in this case, I'm going to actually look up a part number.


I've saved beforehand.


I'm just gonna give them a quote.


You can see I have zero stock at the site.


And right now, of any of these items.


I'm going to throw that on the quote.


Now, a quote, it's not going to do stock control, It's just going to be able to give you some pricing.


I can that to the customer, But what happens after that?


What happens when you need to to order this product in, while in Winward, we would turn that into what we call sales order.


And, in your world, that might be a written sale.


So we do that by clicking on work quarter, and we can then flip it.


Tool, work order with a button click.


And from here, I can queue up a special order to request this to be ordered.


Now, I'm gonna stop and pause.


Couple of things, I just kinda glossed over really quickly, in a lot of software solutions.


You have to re enter in orders.


You may have to do double entry.


And when Word, we can flip between a cash sale, or an estimate, or a work order, literally a button clicks, and that saves you from actually doing double entry to be able to look things up.


It keeps everything in one place, and everything is attached to a customer record that you've attached to.


But I want to take a moment before I move into special order tracking and actually put something on here to special order in and talk a bit about some of the point of sale functionality we have that is really applicable to appliance stores and furniture stores.


Now, first off, you may have seen a second ago serial number tracking that we had here.


OK, so when we're does have the ability to seal, I'm tracking so in my case, if I were to take a look at a fridge that I haven't stock, for example and it is a serialized item.


OK, so right down here, I have one in stock.


Winward will allow you to select a serial number at any point, and serial number tracking is very functional on how it works.


So this means you could track specifically what unit goes to what client, you know exactly, who bought what, and when it went out the door.


And it's all separated.


Keep track of your customer warranty transactions and warranty sales.


Now in the furniture world, for example, you're not dealing a lot with serial number tracking.


You're dealing a lot with different options.


Fabric types, you're dealing a lot with, different kits or bundles that you might put together.


So when we're, we actually have the ability to create some of those kits and bundles for you.


And I'm going to show you one of those features right now.


So for kidding, for example, I have a table and chairs.


This is an example of something we call the Dynamic Kit in our software.


And what this will allow you to do is see, OK, I might have 15 chairs in my store, that I can sell a customer.


I can sell them individually.


Or I can sell them with the table.


And a dynamic kit will actually show you, OK, how many tables do you have, how many chairs do you have, and how many total packages can you sell?


So, in this case, I can sell four packages of tables and chairs.


I'm going to select one right now.


Throw this on the, the work order for you.


There we go, one table, four chairs.


And if I went back, I can, in real time, if I went and tried to sell this again, it would show me that I have nine table and chair packages available of this item.


So, something on the furniture side to look at and kinda keep in mind.


The other thing on the furniture side to talk about, and this actually is applicable to appliance and hearts as well when you're dealing with Finishings.


Fabric types, you could be dealing whether you have a right hanging door or left hanging door.


Sometimes capturing all that information about a specific sale, sale can be very difficult and getting that wrong for a customer can leave you with a limited egg on your face.


In fact, actually, I was speaking with one of her, one of my co-workers about a week ago and he had ordered.


I believe it was a washer and dryer and the washer and dryer came in with the door set on the wrong side.


And that's just an example of just not tracking that information upfront.


Well, when, where it can actually help you do that.


So I'm just gonna show you an example of that right now.


We weren't handles, something called Modifiers, What modifiers do?


It gives you options.


Those options could have up charges or they could be additional items.


So in this case, I'm selling a buffet with modifier options.


So it's kind of a staged thing that we've done for the demo today.


I'm telling you the software.


Hey, I want the cherry one.


Now, if you're an appliance, could be the right or left hanging door.


Ordered stainless steel option.


I'm also, in this case, putting on a delivery charge, so I can track the delivery chart with this tomorrow, clicking, OK?


So now I know that I want the cherry Hutch, or cherry Buffet, I should say.


I know that I have a 10 mile delivery charge, and I'm populating this on here.


This is a comment box.


This can come up where you can actually fill in information type in information about the sale that you're making.


So for example, if you don't have all those options preloaded for your staff, maybe you didn't take the time to do that but you want to communicate with the purchaser.


You can easily type and right here, exactly what that customer is looking for.


And this information will translate directly to your purchaser to make sure they receive the item set.


So I had to actually flip into a different demonstration to show that to you.


I'm going to flip back to our appliance demo now.


There we go.


So, I mentioned earlier on that when we can handle ordering and products that you do not have in stock.


And we do that through something called special order tracking.


Special order tracking starts with a written sale, a sales work order.


Then it goes over to the purchaser purchase or order the products in, receives it, and then it can be fulfilled upon.


So, in this case, we're going to go look up an item.


OK, I typed in FR ID there.


If you didn't see me do that very quickly, look up any fringe or frigid air that I may have.


I'm selecting this thomas' rothwell, 15.5 cubic inch, or 15.6 cubic, six cubic inch.


I'm clicking OK.


Change that.


We'll change that up.


Actually, That's a consignment item.


In every demonstration, sometimes you actually pick the wrong item.


Let's try.


The dandy bar fridge.


OK, the software is looking at this right now, It's, it's looked, what's in stock and it's going, you know what, Sean, you don't have this available, what do you want to do.


And there are several options available.


now, again, I talked earlier on about how our software can be staged.


So in the demo today, you're seeing backwater reserve, cell available in special order.


Special order, what it essentially tells your purchaser's ordered this fridge and specifically for this client and we'll show you a bit more about that as we go along.


Now, there are other options available here.


If you're dealing a lot with contractors and builders and you have someone who walks off the street that needs a fridge and you have one on stock.


But it's assigned an on a different work order already for different client, we have the option to do work order stealing.


We can get into that in a different demo, but there's a way of actually taking that item, selling it to a customer immediately, and then having a purchase or bring it back in.


Once again, what when we're trying to do is solve some real-world problems that you might be encountering and help you manage the ins and out the business and all those little exceptions as best we can.


So we're gonna click on special order.


Now I need one of these.


Something to note before we queue this up, OK, there are zero available.


So software is telling me immediately what is available on hand.


Then there are zeroth order.


So it's telling me is, are there any right now that someone has, you know, ordered in and are on their way?


So, if that order was zero, and you knew you actually had product coming in to fulfill on At this point, there's a great out box below here.


And instead of actually queuing a new special order for this customer, you can reserve one the ones on the way in.


Now, in a lot of businesses today, the front staff don't know what's coming on a PO.


They don't know what's about to arrive, They don't know what status is at, what's going on.


It's right in front of you and Woodward.


You have instant communication between your departments and the instant ability to be able to sell something to a client, or as they need it right in front of you.


In our words, you're not losing a sale, because something hasn't arrived yet.


You might actually clinches sale by being able to see what's coming.


But for today, I don't have any on order.


So, I'm going to request one, I'm gonna make a little note.


Now, what's happened now is I've requested one of these.


It is not currently in order.


It has not arrived.


I could have an automatic expected date filled up in this, just based on the order times with, with suppliers.


That's been a little bit harder in this day and age with the whole supply shortage Thing going on.


Getting things in quickly has been a little bit touchy.


There's no PO number reference to it yet.


And it has now had a status of not on PO.


Why that status is important is now stop because starting now, there isn't a way to report and track each stage that this product will make Intune arriving into your customers' hands.


So, for example, right now it's not on a PO.


But when my purchaser or I go after on later on, go put this on a PO, that status will automatically flight to.


On appeal unset wants to PO has been sent, it'll change too.


Peele sent, and when it arrives, it will be arrived, but not invoiced.


You can run reports and checkup, and see the status of all of your customer special orders piece by piece as we go through this demonstration.


Most, the customers I work with are having to do some type of printout and hand way of tracking these type of special orders.


These binders, they'll print off a copy of an invoice.


They'll staple it.


They'll use the whole, it'll drop it in someone's inbox.


I've even seen triplicate Forms still today, being used when we're can eliminate all of that.


And there's communication, instantly, from the front, to the back of the house.


Click OK.


We're gonna pause here.


Purchasing is going to be n.p.o.


management is going to be a big part of what I talk about in a couple of seconds, but I think there are a couple of areas I needed to go over prior to doing that.


Now, first things first.


If you are dealing with, you know, build companies and commercial companies, you saw me add a customer to this, but when Word does have the ability to have it shipped to address a separate ship to address when you're delivering product, that's something can be sent to when work can track jobs and projects, as well.


You see a tab up here for deliveries.


This is the beginning of our delivery and scheduling side of things, and I will spend more time talking about this as, we go through the demonstration.


I'll come back to this after.


We actually received the PO, but here is actually where you could scheduled delivery straight from this sales work order.


But a big part of what I would like to talk about right now is going to be inventory management.


I want to spend a moment to talk about how we look up inventory and what an inventory record could do.


And kind of just highlight some of those features.


Take about five minutes to do that before we move on to consolidating POs and peel management and all that good stuff so in Winter, where we do have a inventory lookup screen, where you can look items up by part number category of products, so you will be able to categorize your product.


In our appliance demo, you can see we have ....


I have an electronics category for electronic stores, at that type of thing.


We have furniture categories, as well.


So these categories would be your own.


You have the ability of typing in a partial description, you've seen me do that already on the screen, or typing in a supplier to look up a product.


But you can also look inventory up.


Buy your suppliers information.


Buy your suppliers part number, if something, for example, is, may have multiple part numbers to it, you can actually link those parts numbers together, and we'll talk more about that in about NaN.


So, it's really easy to look up inventory.


The other thing that look at when we're looking at inventory, and I know I'm going to show you something that has no quantity in stock, but when we're knows the difference between inventory that is available to sell and install, there is a difference.


By looking up this specific item, if I had, if pretend if you will, I had tenant stock and two were on a work quarter, only eight would be available to sell.


So, again, in real time, if you are, if a customer comes and says, I want that fridge and you're putting it on a layaway or you're putting on a work order, you can be sending this item aside.


And your software will know that, yeah, you might have 10, but only eight are available to sell.


Let's dive down into an inventory record.


Very quickly, five minutes.


Just keep the Danby theme for today.


Click on edit.


Now, by the way, this lookup screen can be found in the point point of sale in the purchase order side.


That you can look this up on the main menu.


I happened to be doing this from the point of sale just simply because I am there.


Wow, This is a lot of information.


There's a lot here.


So, again, with the demo time that we have today, I really can't take you through everything.


But, I'm it, try to highlight what some of these things do.


Number one, take a sigh of relief.


Pretty much most of this information you see here can be loaded in on an Excel spreadsheet.


So, we're looking at one inventory record, really, in detail right now, but the reality is, most customers will data load their information into our software and do it on mass.


You also have the ability to set pricing, by category and supplier, you have the ability to do price changes across the board in a report format.


So you don't have to do everything 1 by 1.


But really on the inventory side, I mean, there's just a lot here, but the main highlights to drive down for the home goods industry is there are different types of inventory that we work with.


So there's regular inventory.


You know, you've got a widget you gotta sell perfectly fine.


There is serialized inventory that will have the ability to have unit records against it so-called unit inventory.


So for example, you'd have the part number.


And imagine, if you will, I had five in stock.


You would have the serial number listed underneath, all of these.


The make and model is underneath all of these and the cost you had for the individual ones.


By the way, for any of you appliance people out there or your, Your Hearth and home, if there's any scratch issues and dent issues, their waste, there are ways of managing that as well with our unit records, different conversation.


We talked a bit about those modifiers, those options that pop up, this is where you would set that here.


When we're handles things like sell through allowances, another big thing for consumer electronics appliance.


You guys have rebates.


You've got to deal with, so in when you are able to set up an instant rebate for customer that will come off on the invoice.


And then you can run reports on the backend to go collect that money back.


So, you're not being left out, Steps, are part of this as well, too, and so on.


Now, there is reporting built-in here.


You can actually drill down and take a look at inventory item and see how it's selling.


You can do that pretty much anywhere if you're on the purchase order to drill into that inventory item.


And we have reports to help you with that as well on the backend.


OK, that was a lot of talking to get back to where I started, which is, I created a special order.


I requested an item to be brought in.


And now, what about my purchaser?


How do they know they've got to do this?


So we're gonna move on from here into creating a PO and how we consolidate work and build POs and how we'd actually handle that purchase or aside save.


Whenever it has a lot of features that are turned on or off now in this demonstration, the customer has a credit limit file.


So it's asking me if I want to override that.


Since I'm a supervisor, I can.


Now, there are a lot of security settings that you can set up minimum deck for discounting, that type of thing.


That when it has available to you, that was one of those security features and since I am a super user, I I can't go and change that.


How do we order product in?


Well, it's a Monday morning.


I'm no longer Sean, the sales guy.


I'm Sean, the purchaser.


Have a cup of coffee.


Let's pretend I do not have an open PO for danby today.


So, I'm going to create a new Peele.


Now, there are other ways of creating peale's.


In our software, we do have a, a very large report that you can run that will actually tell you everything you need to order and across all suppliers, but for today, I'm just going to focus in on Gabby and start there.


So, start off, supplier.




OK, click OK.


All right, So, here's a blank Peel.


I have no idea what I need to order it.


There's no suggestions, there's nothing going on.


I mean, I may know my job and know what's on the floor, but I need to kind of have an idea.


What should I build this out, like?


We have a tab called orders and the orders tab will show you not just what is special ordered, which it is showing you right now.


We'll talk about that in a moment, but it will also show you and give you an idea of what you should be ordering and based on highs and lows.


So suggested orders.


But right now, there's nothing for dandy.


OK, I could literally just suggest that it's coming up so I'm just going to list all parts for damping.


And I can look at this if there were highs and lows.


I could actually see a suggested number that I should be bringing in, click it, then add those items scipio.


one, the features on the backside as well as we do have the ability to have seasonal highs and lows.


So really important for the furniture businesses out there and the Hearth and home businesses.


If you have, for example, patio season coming in to carry more patio products, you can actually have a summer season that you order more patio products.


If you're dealing with Winter Season, for example, for Hearth, or if you'd get a spot, on the HR side, you would have, in the fall, you would have like a like a fall order ordering for different stoves and different fireplaces.


That type of thing on the appliance side, can't really think of an application for seasons that way, right, But at the end of the day, maybe Christmas rushes that, Tick the might carry more product and those highs.


The lows could be different over them.


I'm gonna add those three items to my PO, then I'm gonna click on special orders and add that special order item as well, too.




Actually, I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller, just because I know it's going to ask me for serial numbers will receive it, and then we'll talk a bit about that when we get there.


Now, again, you can look up more inventory items.


That's perfectly fine, but let's, you can leave this poll open for a while.

You will get efficient and thoughtful service from teao.


So what I would normally would happen is that before you send a peel off, you're going to wait until you have freight.


So I can save out as a PO, close it, and come back into it at any point.


Look at it, add more items to it, just build it out.


That typically will go on until you're ready to send that peel off in the lighting industry.


They do a lot of free freight days, or they get to a point where they get a dollar value at a certain amount, and then, basically, they can send it and have no freight.


So timing, When a PO goes out, it's very important.


And you can do that here in the software.


So, for now, though, again, just to kind of speed up the process for our demonstration today.


I'm gonna click on Send.


And I can appeal to my supplier straight from here.


And it's gone.


Now, what happens when you receive the product, and what happens on that point when you receive?


Well, we're going to hold on that for a moment.


We're gonna stop, and we're gonna think to ourselves, OK, how do I manage all my orders and progress?


So we have a special order item for a customer there, and a lot of you are probably dealing with maybe hundreds of special orders that are in different stages of that, that whole shipping and receiving process.


So prior to me going and jumping into receiving it and assigning it to a customer and assigning real stock in the stock, I'd like to take a moment just to kind of go, OK.


How do I manage all that?


No special order products for customers.


And the answer to that is bacterial status, as I mentioned before, and a report we call a special order report.


So right now, that item, my special ordered in for I believe, will Smith's construction, is listed as P O sent.


So we're gonna hit special orders.


This report is really shouldn't be on everybody's screen within the business.


This should be something everybody should be utilizing.


So here, other statuses waiting to be put on Peele waiting to be ordered, order but not arrived, PO sent, arrive and not an invoice.


So by running this report, just give me a second.


I want to show a couple of fields on here that aren't there.


There we go.


By running this report, I can see the Smith construction as this part number, which is a dabby 10.7 qubit, Footbridge.


He's, it's ordered, but it has not arrived yet.


I know it hasn't come in.


Now, when I go receive that PO, that status is going to be updated to arrive so I know I can go deliver this.


And it's actually, it's given me an expected date of the 16 for the product.


Now, earlier on your Herbie mentioned delivery scheduling, if I had filled in in the delivery date and expected delivery date for that customer, that would be showing, as well.


So you can kind of match out, OK, I'm supposed to be getting this in and delivered today.


It isn't here yet.


It says, it's gonna be here yesterday, Maybe I should make sure it's can actually arrive or contact the customer.


This report can be run by those status, as you saw individually.


Or it can be run by specific salespeople so they can track their own stuff.


Or it could be run by a specific customer or supplier.


Now, one of the things that I've been told as a salesperson myself all the time is, go find out information yourself.


This is why I tell you to give this report to everybody, this will save conversations if your salespeople can actually know where the status of their product is, versus asking someone in the back.


Now, let's go fulfill and, and receive that order in and go finish that sale.


I started a while ago.


So, we're gonna go Edit Peale Receiving, click on Recent.


Have an active ...


for danby.


Now, for the sake of the demonstration today, I'm going to assume that everything has come in, But the software can track partial receipts.


You will be able to receive a partial order in, and leave things outstanding on back order to receive later, or clear them as you see fit.


So, again, that management of what's come in on this truck versus another truck can all be handled in one word.


We'll receive one.


Ah, serial number tracking.


So here, I actually am receiving an item that has a serial number and one of the special behaviors, a serial number, sheer number of items is that they ask you to actually put in a serial number.


When you receive it.


There are settings around serial numbers.


So here, in our demo today, I don't actually have to fill it out.


It's actually giving me the word assign.


You could be barcode scanning an item off a truck, and then barcode scanning a serial number upon receipt as well.


Keep in mind as I do this demonstration, I'm doing it with a keyboard and mouse.


There is a lot of opportunity to have barcoding print your own labels, Use your suppliers barcodes and manage things with scanning to reduce errors versus typing inventory information into the software.


So we received that one in.


And then I'll receive this one for the customer.


In this case, I am going to give it a serial number, conveniently 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


Now, before I go receive this in, couple of notes talk about winward, takes a special order item.


When you receive it.


I mentioned this earlier on, and it automatically assigns it to the customer.


It belongs to you.


So it hits your stock, but isn't available for the general population.


It's signed that sales, that written sale, that sales work quarter we started earlier on.


So you're not running into a situation where something comes in the back, you haven't done the paperwork yet, and someone goes and sells it, and it was for a customer.


And now, you gotta really mad customer who ordered it in in our software.


When I hit that Receive button, it is going to be assigned to them, but you can print off shipping barcodes and labels.


Now you can design what they look like.


But it will show you what invoice number it belongs to, what the product is.


We can have a picture of the product right up on the screen, and it will even show a shift to address.


Now, if the items you're receiving, do not have a barcode on it, you can also generate and print your own barcodes from here as well, too.




Another feature in our software today and I'm actually to go through this a little bit, but I hope you'll, you'll forgive me, because I know a lot of people probably aren't using this, but this is called floor planning.


It's a floor planning stock, The dam be fridge is a floor plan item, which essentially is an item I can order in, but I don't have to pay a bill for until I like a pay the bill for it until I sell it.


And that could be six months down the road or pay the bill a year down the road.


So what the software is doing now is an extra set of options.


Now, if I had hit that Receive button, it would have asked me for packing slip and received in.


But it's asking me about the Floorplan Stock right now, because this item is something that I don't have to pay for right away.


So I put it bill due date down the road.


Packing slip number.




Second question.


Finance pipe, appliance stores, any of our brand source members that are out there today, anybody who deals with what some type of financing this is applicable to you.


So, this Danby Fringe is actually financed by brand source, or in Canada, we call it Mega Central Billing.


Software knows this, and it's asking you when you enter in this AP bill, do you want to set this up to be paid for by the finance company?


I'm going to click on yes.


At this point, two things have happened is now actually asked me to print Office receiving reports, because it is receiving the product in.


I'm going to preview it.


The receiving report will show you what is coming in the stock, what the serial numbers are.


And for special order items, it will show you exactly who that belongs to.


In this case, it belongs to its construction.


This is an AP bill, for that floor plan item.


I'm just for the sake of this today, I'm just going to put a bill number in this and save it, but now your AP and your accountants and your account and your accounting side and your bookkeeper can actually keep track of any of the building you have to do down the road.


For something that may be floorplan, again, I really want to stress to you, that was a feature in our software that just popped up to the stage going to demo.


If you're not dealing float planned inventory, that's OK.


That option will come up.


You won't have to deal with it.


We have a different way of handling the accounts payable.


In fact, typically, what happens is you receive inventory in on the PO.


And then when the bill comes in, later on, or the EAP side can be matched to the appeal itself.


So, now, we've received that bridge, and it's, it's, it's, it's been assigned to that customer, We talked a little bit earlier, how I can run that report, that will show you what's arrive, but not invoice, he, can kind of track all that.


Furthermore, to that, though, that sales work order that written sale, can be fly.


The show, hey, boom, You need to do something with it.


That work order is being looked up at right now.


So here's the work or for Smith construction, and it can have a big flag red flag across it going with the status products' arrived.


Or going into it.


We're opening it up.


We're reviewing, it.


Looks good to me.


There's a serial number assigned here, You can see the quantity orders one, you've got one assigned to it, so it's all been aligned right up, Set aside, you can change serial number after the fact, if you need to.


We're going to flip it to an invoice.


In this case, I'm putting as accounts receivable, because its customer is accounts receivable.


And we're going to save it.


And that's a finished sale.


Now, some other elements, again.


I can go and scheduled delivery.


So maybe the product has come in, I've called the customer, and I've arranged for time to go schedule a delivery for them.


So I can do that from here.


Fact, I think I might I'm not going to delve heavily into deliveries, but I can at least give you an idea what that looks like.


We'll talk more about this separately.


Scheduled delivery.


Save it.




And again, print off copy.


The invoice for .


Copies of customer will preview this.




Now, don't get hung up too much on what's on the invoices that we have on our screen in, when we're, we do have the ability to design our own invoices.


So what we have here is very generic.


Very basic, you can see that we have a barcode on the invoice itself, description of who had sold to, ship to address your number at the end of the day, The look and feel of your printouts and invoices are up to you.


You can also use slip, print invoices as well, too.


Now, I just scheduled, deliberate that, But I'm gonna pause with, we have, fulfilled on the order and you could, you could do a delivery at this point and have all that there.


But what I'm gonna do is quickly highlight some of the other options, and features in the software, And from there, we're gonna come up for air, and then pass it back over to Kyle to, to go over and talk a bit about some of the additional kind of non demo things too, having our solution.


So, first off, delivery scheduling, when we click on appointments, you'll see that we do have a delivery calendar in our software.


It shows you the number of deliveries having a given day.


If you highlight it, it's going to show how many tasks are there.


Now, you can look at this as a, a task list.


You can see a list of your deliveries.


We can block off time for deliveries as well, too.


So I'll just dug into it now.


Here's a list of your deliveries.


Actually, we'll give it a time on as well.


I'm just editing the task itself for the delivery.


Let's go for 10 0 AM.


one hour.


Keeping this very, very light, so we have the ability to schedule delivery for certain person or a certain truck.


Certain timeframes, you can actually create your delivery task here and then link a sales work quarter or an invoice to it, perfectly fine.


Very quick, We do have that ability to schedule deliveries.


You saw me flip that invoice on a 1 to 1 basis.


There are actually reports that will allow you to actually look at all your completed deliveries or complete.


It's written sales because you can mark them as completed, and then actually flip them as a group into an invoice and post.


On the accounts receivable side, I did flip that to an AOR, but we do have the ability take payments on account.


So you're able to track those, you will be able to do statements from our software, Run HDR Reports.


It's all done in real time.


So in other words, I flip that invoice just now I don't have to batch over.


I don't have to wait for it to show up.


It's all there.


The accounting side as I just slipped into the general ledger.


I'm going to see that we have all the typical type of reports.


So trial balance, Balance sheet.


Think at an expense.


On the payable side, you'll be able to add bills, to check runs.


The reports for bills and Peale's reconciliation there is just a ton of stuff.


Everything is integrated and indeed, I think the biggest power with Windward is that everything is tied together which saves double entry.


It's a triple entry.


It says mistakes and things were being batched over.


Winward is an integrated solution, which means every part of the software talks to everything else.


And that concludes the, kind of show and tell demonstration portion of the webinar.


Today, I'm gonna pass this over to Kyle because I kind of doing the feature and benefit show at the moment, but there's a lot to do when we're in our relationships and some of the features that are not shown in the demonstration today.


So, Kyle, if you want to take it over here.


I'll just But, you've already got it.


It's all back to you.


You get the Windward intelligence reporting upright.


Yep, I can see it on my screen.


Alright, perfect.




He was talking about how everything is integrated.


We have some other things that you can actually plug into the software as well, and one of which is our Winward Intelligence Reporting.


It is a Sale's KPI tool, gets you know all of your KPIs at a glance.


There's a lot of different categories or reports that are preloaded with the Liberty Intelligence.


As you see, some of them are like Sales by category or gross margins violated cost.


We don't have time to demonstrate this fully today but there is an end to end demo of it video located right there at windward software dot com slash intel if you want to check that out.


We have also e-commerce solutions.


There's a number of different e-commerce solutions For those of you who are not in in brand source, let's just talk about web sell real quick.


Web cell is an e-commerce integration for Windward system five.


Why would you to sync your system five data?


great to your website?


You get to create one data source.


Instead of managing information in multiple systems, handle the web orders and same way that you process your in-store transactions.


If you want to take a look at a demo of that we have it the end right there at windward software dot com slash web stuff.


All right for those of you that are in brand source or even our ...


group, Windward AV B link integration allows you two sync your catalog items right to the Windward database.


You get a number of different options there.


And actually, this this list is growing because that integration is it's it keeps getting better.


It's two-way integration.


So, basically, you can get your quantities updated right to your website.


So that enables, know, like, Google Shopping and all that kinda stuff through ADB.


And then also, you get to import your web orders from that AVP site.




To your, to system five comes in as a work order.


Just like we were talking about in the in the demo there.


Then, you can just use your regular irregular workflows, your normal in-store processes to fulfill that stuff.


It's really great stuff.


All right, so, just kinda Flash to what we covered, there was a lot, right, and you guys can start throwing those questions in there.


Um, have a couple in here already, but we're opening it up for Q and A.


That's what our question is have.


We can try to answer as best we can quickly here.


What do you have any specific color?


Yeah, yeah, just a second here with Mia sort through these.


All right, First off, I got a question about commissions.


No, he didn't really touch on commissions to maybe give the the Commission's absolutely.


so commission typically it can be set up, and I could have talked about that in the demonstration today.


There is typically commission tab on the the the invoice itself, so you're able to to kind of track commissions, commissions can be set Up as a percentage of profit or a kind of a gross number, Whatever that may be.


And a lot of those Commission setup tools are actually the backend of the software that can be set up for individual reps, as well.


We use commission reporting today.


Call if you want to quickly just pass over the screen control again.




While I won't run the reports, I can only show you some of the reports that we have on this.


So bear with me.




Second, here.


Then just keep in mind that this is not marked up so they're probably won't be much in there.




Yeah, can you see the screen?


OK, cool.


Yeah OK so there won't be anything in the way of reporting on the recognitions but there is under sales report in our software literally a section dedicated to salespeople and you'll see your sales page person commission report invoice report sales buy sales person We use the commission port quite regularly.


See what we sold what we've collected and money that's there now that being said or Windward Intelligence has a lot of filters by sales person as well.


This is going to show you what the commissioner will announce could be in some of these reports as well, too.


Steps are part of that is why I mentioned spit swimming around the inventory record.


Spiff tracking is part of our software and you can actually see a ...


paid report separately.


to be able to calculate how many Smith's any sales person might be gathering as well.


All right.


There is a question about serial numbers.


Can serial numbers be edited after the sale?


And I think that the asker is asking, is, Can you apply the serial number?


You know, while you're going to deliver it, we have more than one like wind up in their, in.


Their warehouse.


serial numbers, have have settings in the back of the salt so that every business is different, and every businesses make up about the people they have, and how they handle the software, how they handle their business is different.


So serial numbers is one of those kind of features we have in our software.


that is really flexible.


So in in our appliance demo, it allows me to use the word assigned.


So you saw I didn't have a serial number for one of the items that I received an earlier.


You can have it that.


You don't have to have a serial number upon receipt, or you can have that.


You can force a serial number when you receive it.


You can also have it where you don't have to have a serial number when you sell it.


Like, you can use that assign word, and you can type in the serial number afterwards.


So absolutely, if you do want to, if part of what you want to do is to assign the serial number after the sales done, the answer is, yes, you can.


It just depends on how you want the software to run.


Yeah, There's lots and lots of options around serial numbers, for sure.


And then the next question here, Kennedy kind of jumps on that as well.


Um, so we do service on appliances.


Hmm hmm, hmm, some of them, we'd never sold, How do you handle that?


We talked a bit earlier on how services is kind of a conversation.


And so on it, funny enough, though.


The the front end that you were seeing is actually the same as you would do some of your service work order tracking, as well.


And I would love to get into more detail with you about the server side.


But essentially, we treat customers, washer stoves, horse, whatever, they may have to serialize art as units.


And you can absolutely add a customer.


And it's those units.


Or could either be things that you have in stock or they can belong to a customer.


So, for example, if I want to lookup frank Sam **** because I was just looking to see who was Frank owns, AMA tag, that's his record.


That's his owner.


That's not in my inventory, it's a, it's a Maytag that Frank Counts and I might have done report Repairs against it.


I may have had warranty against it and it does not have to be something I've sold.


If he's calling me up, I can take the serial number that make the model on the or when I'm on-site and record a service ticket against it.


And that unit record actually, let's click into it very briefly, will contain all the information in history of all the work I've done against that specific unit.


So if I have done a series of invoices and repairs, it's going to show me, It doesn't here, you're going to see zero, but it would show me a list of all the repairs have done against it.


So absolutely, you can take and create a record for customers.


We call them units, and then record the work that you do against them.


You do not have to sell them to the customer.


I think that answered that question.


All right, here's another one.


We sell extended warranties on a lot of stuff.


Do you have any tools to help the salespeople?


one identify which things are eligible and then two help them push them?


Yeah, so we kind of, we glossed over that a little bit in the demonstration, so.


There's a couple ways we can approach that.


Way number one, that we, we can do that, it depends on how you want to run.


So you saw earlier on, I had that modifier option that came up, were aster cherry, or or Black, or blue?


That can be applied to warranties.


So you could have it where you have different warranty pride programs with different price levels associated to it and when you sell an item that has a warranty.


Your salesperson can then choose no warranty or a specific warranty program to add along with it.


And what would happen on the inventory record is that you would have a skew for that warranty amount that would be non countable.


Just would have that charge, would drop onto the sales order, right below the print yourself, and you can track and report against it, and that would be great.


The other thing that you do have the ability to do in our software.


I'm just going to lookup any old item at the moment, so bear with me.


Not too worried about what I look up, I just wanna look up something.


The other thing that we have in the software, and on the inventory records, again, which I didn't spend a lot of time focusing on, is we do have the ability to have popup comments that come up for your salespeople.


So, sales, Upsell warnings, so the moment they put a fridge, or a stove that, is, has warranty available for it.


They get a big red box that comes up in front and says, hey, listen, sell them the three year warranty, or give them the options And maybe the parts gives you can add onto it and they can type it in.


The final way that we handle warranties is the assumptive Close frankly which is your refrigerator stove that have warranties have a warranty kidded with it already.


For more information, please visit teao.

So you sell to the fridge and the orange gets dropped on automatically and it's up to the salesperson to delete it.


If the customer doesn't want it.


So there's, there's, there's, there's more than one way to, to kind of addressed the whole warranty and upsell side of our software solution today.


All right, one last question, unless somebody else pops in with one year, Do you have a CRM module that, that tracks the customers?


I don't think we don't think we covered that, know, we didn't.


So yes, we do.


So it's underneath you would have and interestingly enough, up until recently, we've used it.


I've used it for about 10, 10 years, the sales rep, and it was fantastic.


So, basically, essentially, it ties into a task and a calendar event for your people.


But if we look underneath a customer record, which is, I think what we'll do right now.


So, we're just gonna look up a customer.


There will be a lot here, By the way, I'll try it up to you to click buttons too fast.


You're gonna see underneath the customer that we do have the ability to have under history, comments, tasks, and comments associated against that customer.


Now, CRM is more than just started, it's about managing that customer records.


So, while I might be able to add and schedule a task against that customer and record calls against them, it's more about information.


So here, for example, Smith's Construction has two contacts.


I can know their individual numbers so individual addresses.


I can have a list of all their quotes and previous purchases on file.


I can even have an example of you know, what their credit limit is, what their balance on file is, and all that information as part of CRM.


There is a lot to take in on our customer records, and absolutely CRM as part of CRM is part of what we do.




one more popped in here.


It has we're going back to serial numbers again.


I guess this is really important in this industry year.


So, with the serial numbers, this is a fireplace sharpies or that there.


I'm just kinda paraphrasing here.


It was a long one.


So, sometimes people have objects that are permanently installed in their house, like a fireplace, right, but a house can change ownership.


So how did, how does that handled?




Great question.


And, again, I probably missed that when I was talking about units, the on the unit record.


So, if we take a look at Frank here, for a moment.


But I had, or individually, had, had a unit one second.


Let me look them up.


All right.


Right here, you can actually change the ownership.


So, when you do an invoice or a work order, it would actually be against frank, and it will be against this unit.


So, if Frank, were to sell this unit, or to sell the house, and someone else has purchased the home, you can then change the name of the owner of this, this specific fireplace, to that person.


So I can go in here and change up dismiss construction.


Now, the beauty of doing this is all the invoices that I've done against this unit stay.


So if I've done 5 or 6 different services for Frank, that will be on file, that history, is on file, OK, it's still there, but now I can start new history.






With fiscal, while Smith's construction will buy a house, but what's missing construction, you get the point.


The point is if the owner of the item changes, the history still stays with it.


On the opposite might actually work for your Smith construction, where they are the ones who bought it and then they transfer it to the person that actually buys the house.


When we talked briefly about, especially with Hearth and, you know, applying started Gilmore Commercial and the lighting industry, there's a lot of builder relationships where you have a lot number and a builder number and all these type of things we handle.


Like those details.


We are able to handle housing built and track that.


And then when the owner comes in and says, I bought lot number 23, you can change over and update the record too.


They're information.


So there's a lot that we handle on the builder, you know, on the commercial side, and the wholesale side, as well, is on the retail side of things when it comes to our software.


All right, Well, that's about it for this session.


If you guys want some more information, you can you give us a Call.




us at sales at windward software dot com although, if you're already working with a salesperson is probably best just to them directly.


If you haven't engaged with us yet, try windward software dot com slash home dash goods and that's kind of a page that has all the home goods business types.


You can browse through there.


There's actually a couple of testimonials on that screen as well and you can, you can check out some of the suggested reading for home goods, stores just like you.


Thanks so much for spend some time with us.


Hopefully, we'll talk soon.


Great, meeting you all, And, yeah, hopefully, we have, talk to you down the road.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Household Device Damping wholesale services.