Postpartum belly band and what you need to know

20 May.,2024


Postpartum belly band and what you need to know

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After going through pregnancy and childbirth, most women will lose their girlish figure. To regain a slim body, many women have bought and used a postpartum belly belt, thinking that it will help tighten the hips, and make the abdomen more compact. So, should you really use the postpartum belly band gene, let's answer it through this article.

1. Advantages of postpartum belly belts

The belly band gene, also known as the postpartum belly belt, works to help tighten the abdomen and hips to shrink to the original size or smaller (for women who give birth naturally). As for women giving birth by cesarean section, wearing a belly band will help prevent the incision from tearing.
More specifically, the postpartum belly belt also plays an important role in improving the body and mood of women. Some of the benefits that postpartum belly bands bring are:

1.1. Improve women's confidence After giving birth, the body becomes flabby, more fat is inevitable. It will take a certain amount of time for the muscles and skin to return to normal. So, using a postpartum belly belt will help women feel more confident with their own body, avoiding unnecessary feelings of depression and sadness.

1.2. Muscle Recovery After giving birth, your abdomen will collapse and it takes a long time for the muscles and skin to regain flexibility. The postpartum belly band will help fix the muscles and skin in the right position, speeding up the recovery.

1.3. Keeping the body part between the chest and back stationary The postpartum belly belt also helps prevent the movement of the skin in the area between the chest and back because this movement not only makes you uncomfortable but also creates scars. stretch marks and reduce skin elasticity. Therefore, limiting the movement of this skin area will help the skin recover faster.

1.4. Helps in recovery after cesarean section For women having a cesarean section, wearing a postpartum belly band will help limit painful movements such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, getting up from bed... and will help keep the wound intact. The surgery is not torn, promoting a faster recovery process.

1.5. Slim figure when wearing clothes When using a postpartum belly band, nursing mothers can confidently wear their pre-pregnancy clothes again, confidently wear clothes and save money on buying new clothes.

1.6. Back support After giving birth, diseases such as scoliosis, neuritis will be worse because the back is subjected to a lot of pressure during pregnancy. The use of a postpartum belly belt will help reduce pressure and keep the back straight.

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2. Disadvantages of postpartum belly belt Besides the great benefits, the wrong use of postpartum belly belt can also lead to many harmful effects on the body of women later.

2.1. Effects on the digestive system According to medical experts, the main cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease is because the abdomen is too tight. The food in the stomach, when forced from the outside of the abdominal wall, is too large, there is a risk of refluxing into the esophagus and leading to serious effects on other digestive organs.
When acid backs up into the esophagus causing heartburn, bloating, bloating is very uncomfortable. People with irritable bowel syndrome or those who are unable to urinate when using the belly band gene can easily increase intra-abdominal pressure, making the condition worse, liver, spleen and kidney damage.

2.2. Obstruction of blood circulation During childbirth, it is difficult for a woman's body to recover immediately, if at this time wearing a postpartum belly belt will unintentionally cause some effects such as shortness of breath, abdominal tightness, obstructing the blood circulation process, causing poor blood circulation, slowing down the body's health and recovery ability.
In addition, some parts and organs because they cannot receive enough blood in a timely manner will lead to many symptoms such as: dizziness, headache, dizziness, even fainting due to lack of oxygen.

2.3. The cesarean section takes a long time to heal and opens the incision For women who have had a cesarean section, the incision after giving birth is usually new and needs time to heal, if you wear a postpartum belly band too soon, it will make the incision heal more slowly. The risk of suture bursting, wound infection, and tearing back is very high and dangerous.

2.4. Fluid stagnation, uterine contractions If the discharge is not over, but wearing a postpartum belly band may result in fluid stagnation, blood pooling in the pelvic cavity, difficulty in contracting the uterus, affecting the mother's health. enjoy.

2.5. Allergies, rashes Many women are addicted to wearing a belly band after giving birth without knowing that wearing a belt too much can also lead to an allergic reaction, a rash that causes itching in the areas that are in direct contact with the belt. In addition, new-born women often sweat a lot, which accumulates even more, creating conditions for bacteria to grow in hot weather.
Not to mention the fact that the belly band is close to the skin surface, making the sweat drainage process limited and easy to clog pores. For women with sensitive skin, it is easier to experience redness, itchiness and other skin diseases.

2.6. Effects on bone structure When wearing a belly belt for a long time, the rib structures may be affected, the volume of the abdominal cavity narrows, the lungs are tightened, making breathing difficult, the more women feel. find it difficult to breathe, short of breath, lose strength.
So should you wear a belly band after giving birth? In general, the postpartum belly belt is really a thing that brings many benefits to women, but anything that has advantages has disadvantages. To avoid unwanted harm and side effects, women should refer to and follow the correct way to use the postpartum belly belt.

3. Use the postpartum belly belt correctly Here are some suggestions for women to use the postpartum belly belt more effectively:
For women who give birth naturally, it is recommended to wait about 20 days for production. After the fluid has drained out, you should wear a belt. For women giving birth by cesarean section, to avoid pain in the incision, it is necessary to wait 1-2 months or until the wound is completely healed before using a belt. Should not wear belly belt for many hours continuously, especially not at night when sleeping. Gradually increase the time of the belly band so that the body can adapt. For example: 1 hour/day after giving birth 20 days; 2 hours/day after 3 months, 4-6 hours/day after 6 months. Should combine exercise and exercise with a reasonable diet to lose fat quickly. Choose a standard and quality postpartum belly belt, combined with proper wearing for the best effect. Stop wearing the belt if it feels uncomfortable. Always clean and clean the belly band to avoid infection and irritation. Above is all the important information about wearing a postpartum belly belt. Women should consider and refer to a plan to wear a belt so that it is effective and safe for health.

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